Submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical. Articles submitted to the Conference should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should follow the style of the Conference and are subject to both review and editing. If you submitted a full paper, your paper will be passed through two rounds of reviewing, including the a plagiarism check and a peer-to-peer review by the relevant professional of the conference committee. Generally, the whole review procedure will take 2-4 weeks (or more). If your submission was accepted, we would like to send an official notification of acceptance to all authors, as well as the review report form. Please look out for your email from the conference secretary.
For Authors: Authors are invited to submit an unpublished original work that must not have been submitted to an other conference, workshop or journal. All papers will be peer-reviewed by members of the Program Committee and be evaluated for originality, significance of the contribution, technical correctness and presentation.
For Presenter: If you only want to deliver a presentation on CEBMM 2024 , abstract is necessary to submit. But the acceptes abstract paper, which is only accepted for presenting not for publication.
For Listener: If you don't want to submit articles but just want to attend the conference, you can participate as listener only. As Listener, you can attend all the presentation sessions, neither making presentation nor having paper published.
of Advanced Management Science (JOAMS, ISSN:
2168-0787, DOI: 10.18178/joams), and will be included in
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Google
Scholar, Crossref, Engineering & Technology
Digital Library and Electronic Journals
Digital Library.
JOAMS aims to provide a high profile,
leading edge forum for academic researchers,
industrial professionals, engineers,
consultants, managers, educators and policy
makers working in the field to contribute
and disseminate innovative new work on
Advanced Management Science. All papers will
be blind reviewed and accepted papers will
be published quarterly, which is available
online (open access) and in printed version.
Paper Template (.doc)
International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance (IJTEF, ISSN: 2010-023X; DOI: 10.18178/IJTEF) and will be included in
ProQuest, Crossref, Electronic Journals
Library , EBSCO, and Ulrich's Periodicals
Directory. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance (IJTEF) is an international academic open access journal which gains a foothold in Singapore, Asia and opens to the world. It aims to promote the integration of Trade, Economics and Finance.
Regular Papers: Each paper should at least 5 pages (including the abstract, figures, tables, and references), extra page from Page 6 should be paid.
Publication in Journal: Extra pages will be charged $70 (US dollars) per extra page.
1. Please submit to the conference Electronic Submission System.
2. Or submit the papers/abstracts to
In order to aviod any inconvenience caused to you and the conference, please choose one method to submit your articles, do not submit twice.